
This one goes out To the nonconformists who rejected this material existence way before you did. To those bespectacled and beard clad listening to The Smiths. To the budding stoic philosopher dressed in old man's clothing who never leaves the coffee shop. to The local skank who calls it feminism; always needing to realign her chakra. No matter how many American spirits you smoke you'll never free Tibet and hummus is just ground up chick pees not morality itself. You'll need a shower before reaching nirvana and What we know is a drop; What you don't know is an ocean. Namaste 🙏🏻

prompt: The Anglo-American male hipster sculpture transcending this material existence in a meditating pose smiling from ear to ear. He is transcending to a world of empty platitudes; mixed media using, garbage, coffee grinds, thrift store clothing, and co-exist stickers. Buddha-hipster transcends this material existence in to a world of hipster fantasy and vinyl, meditating crossed legged on a toilet listening to the Smiths, smoking American spirits, talking politics in a coffee shop, and making sure the hummus is organic, while comparing himself to Ghandi.

license: music@bigandtallrecords.com