Remember - don’t forget

Remember why you became an artist in the first place. You didn't get into this for the money. You got into it because of the spirit of the thing. Because it moved you. Because of that song that shattered you. Because of the mystery. The depths it drew from within you. You most certainly didn’t get into art because some bespectacled tech start-up hipster promised that he could monetize you.

Where did the passion go? Where did the wonder run off? When did the spirit leave your artwork? return to idealism; return to your dreams. Remember the wonder. This cosmic mystery of your place among the stars. Never forget the power of this miraculous gift.

Do not waste you days. Risk your life on a dream, Not a dollar. The world needs actual artists. Their genius and unique perspectives to channel the voice of God into this purgatory. Take your work as an artist seriously. You may not get paid in money. But you'll be paid in things that matter much more than money. money is a curse. it is a good servant yet a poor master.

Take the leap of faith and stop trying to make money on your art. Trust the voice; then refine that voice. that will require dedication, work, faith, and love. Take your craft seriously. Do not equate your work to a dollar. only he who finishes the race can win.

What does Mark Zuckerberg and the CCP know about art anyways? Why do we give them the license to choose what is most relevant about the human condition with an algorithm? Why do you give them ad-revenue with your free intellectual property? Who exactly are you sharing things for?

Take your creations back from being exploited. Wage war with your art; For it is your spirit, and how can you monetize such a thing? remove yourself from all social media. these platforms that monetize human ideas and squeeze the life out of all perspective and art, juicing the human soul into a buck. Starve the parasite, withhold your perspective and Your artwork from the ravening thirsty void. This Infinite loop of entertainment are for those who wish to remain in darkness; they don’t need your artwork. leave this world unresolved.

do not despise the days of small things. it is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.